📦 Projects
📝 Description:
A simple implementation of the SHA-(1/256/512) hashing algorithms in Rust. I just made this to learn about some hashing algorithms but it felt useful to others so I am posting it here!
🖥️ Technologies
The project is written in rust without any dependencies.
📝 Description:
A pretty simple discord bot! You can always build off it too!
🖥️ Technologies
The project is written in rust using the serenity library
📝 Description:
A collection of programming challenges, and accompanying solutions I have created in multiple langauges. All challenges are language agnostic which means they can be solved using any langauge!
🖥️ Technologies
The text is created in markdown with mdbook; however it has code written in multiple languages and mdbook has built in support for running rust code
📝 Description:
A pretty simple calculator written in rust. It features order of operations and a custom parser/ast
🖥️ Technologies
The project is written in rust and uses the frontend library yew